Our mission is to strengthen families through partnership and collaboration.
We are dedicated to a Colorado in which every family is thriving and self-reliant.
About Us
Recognizing that strong families create resilient communities, the Family Resource Center Association is a leader in the field of family support and strengthening. We support family resource centers in their work to help families achieve their goals and thrive.
Our EDI Commitments
Our equity, diversity, and inclusion mission is to build an engaged and representative FRCA Network that recognizes the importance of social, economic, health, language, and racial justice. We strive to promote diversity and equity – and to be a model of inclusive excellence. We will support our EDI development and sustainability efforts by providing technical assistance, identifying needs, training, advocacy, resources, partnership opportunities, and ongoing evaluation. Learn more
Upcoming Events
Family Pathways Framework 101
The Family Pathways Framework 101 is an introduction to the Pathways intended to provide enough information for new Family Resource… -
Implementation Strategies
After the Family Pathways Framework 101, the Implementation Strategies will provide a general understanding of how to incorporate the four… -
Administering the Colorado Family Support Assessment 2.0 using Motivational Interviewing Skills
Registration will open March 17th at 8:00 AM (2 weeks before the training) Non-FRCA Members, please see the “Non-FRCA member…

What Our Members Are Saying

The Family Resource Center Association is really a foundational support for us. We call on them frequently to help us be the best resource center we can be.
Tara Manthey, Former Executive Director, Denver Indian Family Resource Center
The CFSA 2.0 training was excellent…great material, and professionally delivered! It really helped strengthen our team’s knowledge and skills.
Paul Narduzzo, Regional Executive Director, Catholic Charities of Central Colorado
2021-2022 Annual Report
See how we worked to promote healthy and resilient families in 2021-2022.
2022-2023 Evaluation Report
FRCA’s annual evaluation report shows that families receiving strengths-based support services at Family Resource Centers show statistically significant improvement in economic self-sufficiency and health.