
It Takes a Village: Partnerships That Are Moving FRCA Forward

JULY 30, 2018–In a recent post, we told you about the collaborative efforts between FRCA and Harvard University’s Center on the Developing Child Frontiers of Innovation initiative. In addition to this work with FOI, FRCA also partners with many great organizations and foundations across Colorado. As we continue to launch this blog, we’d like to introduce a few of the organizations and people that have been instrumental in the progress of family support and the Family Resource Center Association in the last 25 years. It’s because of their work and the amazing partnerships with our organization, that we can look ahead to future projects that will help families become self-reliant and thriving.

Colorado Department of Human Services, Office of Early Childhood  – The Colo. Dept. of Human Services Office of Early Childhood, has been instrumental in supporting the Family Resource Center (FRC) program since day one.  In addition to financial support of Family Support and Strengthening services, they continue to give statutory oversight for the FRC program in the state, and also direct certain family support programs like SafeCare, Community Response, and others, to our local community Family Resource Centers.

Parent Possible – Parent Possible has been a wonderful community partner and collaborator.  Parent Possible brings the Parents as Teachers home visiting program and the Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters home visiting program to our centers. These programs help young parents learn best practice parenting techniques.  Parent Possible also helps FRCA design other complimentary programs for young parents.

Rose Community Foundation – Rose Community Foundation has been a champion for the Family Resource Centers and family support in Colorado for over 20 years. Their leadership and collaboration have been invaluable over the decades. They continue to be a supporter, thought partner and champion for Family Resource Centers and the Family Resource Center Association. We value their partnership and want to honor their leadership and support over the last 2 decades.

Thanks to these organizations and their support, FRCA is able to continue important work for families in Colorado.

We would be honored to have you join these organizations in supporting Family Strengthening in Colorado through FRCA.  Learn how to donate here.

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Colorado Fatherhood Initiative Manager | Program & Grant Manager

The Fatherhood Initiative Manager will coordinate and lead a team-approach to continue the Implementation Phase of FRCA’s Fatherhood Initiative Project.

The Program & Grant Manager will oversee different initiatives and programs at FRCA, monitoring progress and completion, and ensuring grant and contract expectations are met.

View the job descriptions by clicking below or visiting our Careers section.

Colorado Fatherhood Initiative Manager

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