Service Delivery Model

Welcome! We have developed a unique, research-informed model of family support – Family Development Services – that consistently shows family improvement in economic self-sufficiency and health.

On this page you can learn more about this Service Delivery Model, FRCA’s family assessment tool and explore ways to bring these components to your work with families.

If interested in learning more about membership; implementing the CFSA2.0 tool; or our service delivery model please join our 60 minute monthly live inquiry session.

Family Development Services (FDS)

The Family Resource Center Association’s family support model centers on families establishing a goal-setting partnership with a trained Family Development worker using a strengths-based family-centered approach toward improved family health and well-being. Family Development Services, a research-informed approach, recognizes all families have strengths on which to build, supports families in recognizing and exercising their power, and promotes access to resources available in their communities.

Community-specific programs, services, and referrals complement the one-on-one work of Family Development workers. For example, parenting programs, home visiting programs, and parent support groups promote positive parenting skills, build informal support systems, and prevent child maltreatment. Financial literacy courses support families in managing and strengthening their family finances. These programs use curricula that have shown strong evidence of success with families over time.

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Standardized Common Screening Tool

This practice implementation tool helps identity family needs during initial contact with the agency. The tool asks eight yes/no questions about a family’s current situation (e.g., Do you have stable housing?). Responses are used to help staff quickly understand the level of family need, direct families to needed services, and identify families who may be ready to set goals and benefit from FDS.

The Family Pathways Framework

This practice implementation guide articulates a pathway of family support that is designed to provide responsive services that are matched to the family’s needs. The Family Pathways Framework guides service provision and consistent tracking of information, outlining three primary paths through which families can receive services. Each path increases in intensity of service provision and required data tracking.

Colorado Family Support Assessment 2.0© (CFSA2.0)

The Colorado Family Support Assessment 2.0© is a standardized practice implementation tool that is a reliable family-level index of family functioning. It is the primary assessment tool used by the Family Resource Center Association’s network of family resource centers. Its purpose is to obtain an objective assessment of family well-being in multiple areas.

Trained Family Development workers administer the tool using an interview format to identify family strengths and areas for growth and change. The CFSA2.0 is typically administered within the first two weeks of partnering with a family for a baseline assessment and at three- to six-month intervals thereafter (follow-up assessments).

A one-time agency licensing fee ($150) is required for authorization to use this tool. For details about the tool’s development and research properties, please visit our Research and Evaluation page. Learn more about the training requirements here.

CFSA2.0 Community of Practice

FRCA developed a Community of Practice for users of the CFSA2.0 to share a repertoire of resources (experiences, stories, brainstorm solutions to challenges with practice, grow confidence, encourage coordination and synergy).

The CFSA Community of Practice meets monthly on the fourth Tuesday from 12:00PM-1:00PM. Interested in joining our Community? Send us an email